Who is Isaac of Girona?

Isaac of Girona is a blind but respected Jewish physician and amateur sleuth in 14th Century Girona. Today Gerona/Girona, has one of the best preserved Jewish Quarters in Spain and was once home to Spain’s largest Jewish population.

The main character in the series, “Chronicles of Isaac of Girona”, written by Caroline Roe, pseudonym of Medora Sale, a graduate of the Centre for Medieval Satudies at the University of Toronto and Ph.D. in Medieval Studies.

As Caroline Roe she has written eight books in the series Chronicles of Issac of Girona
Remedy for Treason, 1998
Cure for a Charlatan, 1999
An Antidote for Avarice, 1999
Solace for a Sinner, 2000
A Potion for a Widow, 2001
A Poultice for a Healer, 2003
A Draught for a Dead Man, 2003
Consolation For An Exile, 2004

As Medora Sale she has written six police procedurals, including an Arthur Ellis Award winner ans is a past president of both Crime Writers of Canada and the international board of Sisters in Crime. She lives in Toronto.

For an introduction to the Chronicles of Isaac of Girona you can read The birth of a Medieval Mystery by Caroline Roe.

Jorge Ibargüengoitia

Jorge Ibargüengoitia (1928 – 1983) was a Mexican novelist and playwright who achieved great popular success. He died in a plane crash in Madrid.

He wrote two detective novels, both translated and published in English, Las muertas, 1977 (The Dead Girls) and Dos crimenes, 1979 (Two Crimes).

Jorge Ibargüengoitia (1928 – 1983) fue un novelista y dramaturgo mejicano que consiguió un gran éxito popular. Murió en Madrid en un accidente aéreo.

Escribió dos novelas de detectives Las muertas, 1977 y Dos crímenes 1979.
RBA acaba de recuperarlas recientemente: La muertas, 2009 y Dos crímenes, 2010.

Más información en:
Revista de Letras
El Boomeran(g)

>Shutter Island

>Director: Martin Scorsese
Screenplay: Laeta Kalogridis, based on the homonymous novel by Dennis Lehane
Cast: Leonardo DiCaprio, Mark Ruffalo, Ben Kingsley, Emily Mortimer, Michelle Williams, Max Von Sydow, Jackie Earle Haley, Patricia Clarkson

In 1954, U.S. Marshal Teddy Daniels (Leonardo DiCaprio) and his new partner Chuck Aule (Mark Ruffalo) are assigned to investigate the disappearance of a patient from Boston’s Shutter Island Ashecliffe Hospital. Once on the island, they find that the hospital and prison staffs aren’t really cooperating with their investigation. In the meantime a hurricane cuts off communication with the mainland, more dangerous criminals “escape” in the confusion and, as the storm escalates, the suspicions and mysteries multiply each more thrilling and terrifying than the next. There are hints and rumors of dark conspiracies, sordid medical experiments, repressive mind control, secret wards, perhaps even a hint of the supernatural, but elusive proof. Moving in the shadows of a hospital haunted by the terrible deeds of its slippery inhabitants and the unknown agendas of its equally ingenious doctors, Teddy begins to sense that the deeper he pursues the investigation the more he will be forced to confront some of his most profound and devastating fears. And he realizes that he may never leave the island alive.

I went yesterday with Begoña to see this stunning film. I enjoyed it although, it is some times irregular.
My rate: 7/10.

For more information:
Official site

Director: Martin Scorsese
Guión: Laeta Kalogridis, basado en la novella homónima de Dennis Lehane
Reparto: Leonardo DiCaprio, Mark Ruffalo, Ben Kingsley, Emily Mortimer, Michelle Williams, Max Von Sydow, Jackie Earle Haley, Patricia Clarkson

En 1954 el agente federal Teddy Daniels (Leonardo DiCaprio) y su nuevo compañero Chuck Aule (Mark Ruffalo) son destinados a investigar la desaparición de una paciente del Hospital Ashecliffe en Boston, Shutter Island. Una vez en la isla, se dan cuenta de que el personal del hospital y de la prisión no les ayuda realmente en su investigación. Entretanto un huracán corta las comunicaciones con el continente, los criminales más peligrosos “escapan” en la confusión y, a medida que se intensifica la tormenta, los secretos y los misterios se multiplican, cada uno más estremecedor y terrorífico que el siguiente. Hay sospechas y rumores de oscuras conspiraciones, sórdidos experimentos médicos, controles mentales represivos, salas secretas, incluso quizá algún indicio sobrenatural, pero las pruebas son difíciles de encontrar. Desplazándose entre las sombras del hospital, obsesionado por los terribles hechos de sus escurridizos habitantes y por los secretos que igualmente ocultan sus ingeniosos médicos, Teddy empieza a sentir que contra más profundiza en su investigación más se va a ver obligado a hacer frente a algunos de sus miedos más hondos y devastadores. Y se da cuenta de que puede que no salga nunca vivo de la isla.

Fui ayer con Begoña a ver esta estupenda película. Me gustó, aunque es irregular en ocasiones.
Mi calificación: 7/10.