The Danes Do Murder Differently

I saw the first season of The Killing (U.S. TV series) a while ago and really liked it. Now I have the opportunity to watch the first season of Forbrydelsen (Danish TV series). I’m enjoying it a whole lot more and l look forward to the second season. I found this article quite interesting and I want to share it with both sporadic and regular readers of this blog. The Danes Do Murder Differently.

8 thoughts on “The Danes Do Murder Differently”

  1. Thanks for the link to this interesting article. I didn’t really take to the American version of ‘The Killing’ at all but put this down to the utterly unique style of the Danish original.

  2. José Ignacio – Thanks for the link. I too saw the American version of The Killing.. It just didn’t pull me in. It really is different to the Danish version.

    1. I only started to watch the US version. Above average in my opinion, Margot. But the Danish version looks excellent at this stage. Have seen so far the first four episodes.

  3. I started watching the US version after falling in love with the Danish one, but stopped after a few episodes. It was OK, above average, as you say, but not quite as rich in back story and nuance as the Danish one. Interesting article spelling out the differences, too, thank you for the link!

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